What's an activity log?

Activity logs are records of specific activities that a Fitbit user (participant) completed through one of five different methods. 

  • Auto-detected activities that are recognized through Fitbit's SmartTrack feature. 
  • Activities initiated from the tracker such as runs, walks, hikes, or workouts.
  • Manually created activities created by the user via the Fitbit mobile app or web dashboard. 
  • Runs, walks, or hikes created using the MobileRun (phone GPS) feature within the Fitbit mobile app. 
  • Workouts completed while using the FitStar (now called Fitbit Coach) workout app.

What data is available?

When an activity event is created by one of the methods described above and the Fitbit device syncs, we bring in a detailed data set that describes the activity in detail. This includes information about:

  • Date and time activity started
  • Duration of the activity
  • Activity type
  • Activity creation method
  • Distance of the activity (only available in certain scenarios)
  • Elevation gained during the activity (when wearing a tracker that supports floors).
  • Estimated energy expenditure during the activity. 
  • Minutes spent in different intensity categories during the activity
  • Average heart rate during the activity (if wearing a heart rate tracker).
  • Minutes spent in different heart rate zones during the activity (if wearing a heart rate tracker).